The following items may not be sold at the Troppo Treasure Market:
Drugs, fake or counterfeit items.
Alcoholic drinks or products.
New and used cars and motorbikes.
Pornographic material.
Flammable liquids.
Weapons of any description – Firearms, Bows & Arrows, Spear Guns, Swords, Knifes etc.
Live ammunition.
Cigarettes, Tobacco and other nicotine based products.
Daily newspapers.
Tickets in Art Unions, Raffles etc.
Hot food.
Soft drinks, Juices or water.
Any item or good that may result in a contravention of copyright legislation e.g. pirate music.
Anything advocating a political or religious organisation.
Basically if it’s illegal, offensive, or remotely dodgy then we won’t have it at the market.
Prohibited Activities
No fires or naked lights will be permitted within the confines of the market. This includes burning incense or candles.
Smoking within the market or within a minimum of five metres around the entrance to the market.
Use of car/truck batteries without suitable covering to prevent accidental shorting of terminals.
POLITICS Religion Petitions.
Restricted Activities
Determination by Risk Management (Identified hazard and Control Effectiveness).
Diesel /petrol powered generators are restricted must have a completed Risk Assessment approved and signed by Troppo Market Manager.
Electrical leads 240 volt – All electrical leads to be compliant must have current in date testing and tagged. Testing and tagging of electrical leads to be conducted by an authorised licenced provider.